学校档案 & “社区活动”类别



Spirit Week at Fremont Christian 学校 isn't just another week on the calendar — it's a vibrant celebration of unity, 创造力, and school pride that brings together students and faculty in a whirlwind of activities and events. 由学生活动总监傅吉米带领, 精神周为学生们提供了一个展示才华的独特机会, 建立持久的友谊, 创造珍贵的回忆.

今年的主题是“桌游”,庆祝活动于1月27日开始, 学生们纷纷投入到小品和舞蹈排练中, 每个班由各自的指导老师指导. 随着时间的推移, 学生们聚在一起进行体育馆的装修, 为这个空间注入了返校节的活力和篮球的激情. The day culminated with more rehearsals, ensuring that every performance was polished to perfection.


  • 九年级:人生游戏
  • 十年级:糖果乐园
  • 11年级:格斗
  • 12年级:大富翁

整个星期, 活动继续吸引着学校社区, 课程根据不同的标准获得分数. 学生们聚集在一起参与各种游戏和挑战, 展示每个班级制作的视频, 表演充满活力的班级舞蹈, and take the stage with creative skits that highlighted their class unity and talent. 周五看到了精神集会, 介绍了返校节球场和篮球赛. The excitement culminated on Saturday with the dance, which had a masquerade theme this year.

今年精神周的冠军是大三班. 祝贺他们和所有参与的人!


The week-long annual event aligns seamlessly with Fremont Christian 学校's values of unity, 领导, 全面发展. 通过营造一个支持和包容的环境, Spirit Week empowers students to embrace their unique talents and strengths while promoting collaboration and positive relationships among peers.

Mr. 傅教授采用了多种策略来鼓励学生参与, 强调团队合作的价值, 领导, 个人成长. 通过积极的同伴压力和包容性的领导, our Student Activities Director — himself an FCS alum — motivates students to actively engage in Spirit Week activities.

学生领袖在组织和领导精神周活动方面发挥着关键作用. 发挥他们的领导才能, 班长和理事会成员与刘先生密切合作. 能够计划和执行各种活动, 确保班级内部的有效沟通和协调.

Mr. 傅在FCS的悠久历史

在他的角色中. Fu works closely with the student council to ensure that each class is on track with their assignments and collaborates with students to organize various activities throughout the week. 他还推动了精神周的高潮活动, 包括返校节篮球赛和舞会, 鼓励学生的广泛参与和热情.

Mr. 傅在十大博彩公司的旅程又回到了原点. 他是一名来自台湾的国际学生,2006年毕业于FCS. After pursuing higher education and gaining experience in event management and hospitality, Mr. 傅回国后担任教师和青年领袖. His deep-rooted connection to the school and his passion for student engagement drive his commitment to making Spirit Week a memorable experience for everyone involved.

精神周不仅仅是一系列的活动——它是一个社区的庆祝活动, 团队合作, 以及定义十大博彩公司的独特精神. 先生指导. 在学生们的热情推动下, Spirit Week continues to be a cherished tradition and a testament to the vibrant spirit and community ethos of Fremont Christian 学校.

标签: 精神周



FCS很荣幸地宣布我们的四名学生参加了今年的比赛 阿拉米达县科学与工程博览会 3月26日. 我们的三个学生甚至拿了奖回家, 哪一个是了不起的成就, especially considering there were nearly 400 projects presented from middle and high schools.


九年级学生马修·杜, 她在高中植物科学类中获得了第三名, 生态, 农业, & 环境科学, submitted his project on the effects of artificial or aquatic environments on crop yield, the results of which Matthew hopes will be scaled to benefit food production and reduce world hunger — an exemplary reflection of the community of compassion we strive to create at FCS. 展会结束后,马修还花时间向全班展示了他的项目.

另一个这样的项目来自11年级的尼尔·马库尔, who aimed to create an efficient algorithm to cost-effectively distribute extra food from donors to fulfill the needs of food banks. “我的经历中最棒的部分是旅程,”尼尔说. “我能够将AP计算机科学A和AP统计的技能结合起来, 以及我在食品银行的志愿者工作和其他数学课程中学到的知识, 变成一个可以应用于现实世界的项目,并获得很好的结果. 夫人. 马修斯给了我很大的支持.“尼尔在高中数学、天文、物理中排名第三.

Neil’s classmate Sophia Li took home fourth place in the category of High 学校 Biomedical Science for her project on preventing dance injuries in teenagers. “我很享受这个研究项目的过程,索菲亚说。, “especially because I'm able to tie together my passion for dance and science and present my findings to experts in the field.”

“我们感谢FCS为学生提供的独立成长空间, which has enabled our daughter to transform from quiet to confident during her high school years so far,她的父母在给我们校长的一封信中说, Dr. 特里西娅迈耶. “再次感谢学校对学生的关注.”

十年级学生贾里德·杰克逊(Jared Jackson)也参加了博览会, 展示他对如何避免坑洼的分析——这确实是一项崇高的事业!

In addition to our future Nobel Prize winners, FCS also won the logo design competition. 丹尼尔·杜的获奖三人组, 马修·杜, and Melody Zhang combined their creative talents to produce the image that appeared on much of this year’s fair marketing and merchandise.

FCS为所有参加科学展的人感到骄傲! 祝贺大家!


标签: 科学强调



几乎早在1968年成立之初,弗里蒙特基督教就欢迎 国际学生 走进教室. 尽管这些年来发生了很大的变化, our school’s commitment to hosting students from abroad continues to enhance the educational experience for every member of our student body.

FCS’s international program allows our locally based students to learn firsthand about other cultures, which both enriches their curriculum and provides the opportunity to expand their worldview. 作为回报, 国际学生 learn about our culture while improving their English skills and receiving a quality education.

2022-2023学年, FCS接待了13名国际学生, 谁来自像中国这样多元化的国家, 香港, 意大利, 缅甸, 和尼泊尔. 这些学生可以选择参加寄宿家庭, 亚历克斯也是, Junlin, Ryan和校长Dr. 特里西亚·梅耶,或者住在自己的家人附近. 在过去的十年中,FCS接待了196名国际学生.

“I like to teach local students to dive into a different culture and compare and contrast the differences between cultures,女士说。. Frances Lin在FCS教授英语语言发展. 在我的特别节目中 j项 class, 对话中国, not only do we learn daily conversation that will lead to our field trip to a Chinese restaurant where we can practice ordering, we also discuss the sweetness and temperature of food that play an important role in human longevity.”

Our 国际学生 feel a strong connection to FCS, staying with us an average 3.5年,他们的大部分高中生涯. 尽管这在很大程度上是由于他们接受了高水平的教育, 他们形成的友谊纽带也起着决定性的作用.

“I thought that no one was going to talk to me because of my English language skills,杨致远说。, 一个来自中国的九年级学生, 关于他到达FCS的消息. “但每个人都很好,也很有耐心.他接着说,FCS课程如何让他接触到新的学科, 让他重新考虑未来的计划. “FCS让我对艺术和音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣. 我曾经想有一天我会成为一名医生或士兵,帮助别人. 但现在我想学艺术.”

Cultural exchange programs also have the power to break down stereotypes — on both sides. “A really big misconception I had about American schools mostly came from movies that depicted high school as just a place with long hallways and bullies shoving people into lockers,Suwon Htut说, 一个来自仰光的11年级学生, 缅甸. “我的观点完全改变了. 我现在看到的美国学校恰恰相反. FCS尤其拥有热情好客的员工和学生群体. I was really surprised at how friendly each and every single person I’ve ever talked to has been since I arrived.”

Ms. 林想尽办法让国际学生有宾至如归的感觉. “在农历新年期间, 我分发食物和钱,还有写有《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》祝福的对联,她说。. “每个学生都喜欢这些礼物, 还有我们的国际学生, 谁离他们的家人千里迢迢, 在这些特殊的场合有宾至如归的感觉. 我教所有的学生圣诞节的真正含义, 情人节, 和复活节, 所以他们都学会了感受快乐, 爱, 希望这些场合能带给他们.” 

“我们的房子很小(1000平方英尺)!), but we have hosted 国际学生 since our son was in seventh grade,” says Dr. 迈耶. Even with her son now away at college, she and her husband continue to host 国际学生. “为这些年轻人提供第二个家庭是一种荣幸. Our lives are enriched with an exchange of ideas and experiences born out of two very different cultural systems. 我们甚至去过中国, 这给了我们一个特殊的机会去体验我们的学生文化.”

Dr. 梅耶说,她很珍惜和徐家的亲密友谊, 他们招待了谁的儿子四年. 徐家的儿子 在唱诗班唱歌 和他一起踢足球. 迈耶的儿子, 杰克. 迈耶夫妇甚至去了中国, where they spent time with the Xus visiting historic sites and being welcomed into their home. “We connected over our 爱 for our children and our 爱 for each other's children,” Dr. 迈耶说. “即使毕业好几年了,我们还是经常联系. 这是一辈子的缘分."

If you are interested in hosting an international student, apply now to be a homestay family. 


标签: 学生成绩


5/29/24 - Fremont Christian 学校
3/14/24 - Fremont Christian 学校
12/7/23 - Fremont Christian 学校
8/31/23 - Fremont Christian 学校


学术亮点 棒球 儿童发展 教育研究 FCS运动员聚光灯 FCS田径 FCS的故事 FCS学生专题 美术 健康 & 安全 学校 & 社区活动 科学强调 足球 垒球 精神周 蒸汽展示 学生成绩 排球

